Insights · September 14th, 2006
We launched in 1997, long before Blogs appeared. Now in September 2006 we want to introduce our new look, and new blog as well. If you look around you’ll see a contemporary design, new and additional writers, and we believe a provocative, useful, inspiring, and entertaining look at the future.
Surveying the world, I have to ask, whatever happened to Space Ship Earth? This was an old idea, from that original thinker Buckminster Fuller. It was simple. We are all in this together, for the long haul. That idea is obviously missing in action here in the early 21st Century. It is obvious that many people want to dismiss the idea, and substitute a philosophy that we are all in this, alone. Good and evil, us and them, these are the mantra’s of the day.
This is wrong. This is not a survival strategy, but a strategy for domination. In our blog we plan to look for ways to create the future, together. The blog we expect will tackle current issues as well as the future, looking for answers from the future rather than right or left. But we won’t stay away from politics. How can we, given the current state of affairs?
We invite you to join in and comment on what you think of the future and how we are blowing it or creating it.