Insights · December 4th, 2007
A new online TV series was launched in October 2007, Future Talks, with European-based media futurist Gerd Leonhard and with Glen Hiemstra. In this series produced by Media Conversations, these two leading international futurists are interviewed in several short programs by Ralph Simon.
Each episode can be viewed at our Future Talks page. The player automatically inserts the newest episode.
Now on iTunes
For those wanting to download the entire series, which also includes two hour-long interviews with Glen and Gerd respectively, this can now be done at iTunes. They are free podcast downloads. To optain via iTunes, go to the iTunes store, and search for “Media Conversations.” When you see the CD-like symbol for this program from the Conversations Network, clicking on it will take you to the entire program list, which at this point consists of nine podcast episodes.
Individual episodes may also be downloaded as MP3’s, at Media Conversations.