Insights · June 25th, 2009
Recently my futurist friend Gerd Leonhard from Basel, Switzerland and I started a new project together called Where is it Going (WIIG). The concept is simple – we record an online conversation about once a week, taking future-related questions submitted anyone, via Twitter. We record 5-8 minute long videos of Gerd and myself, responding to the questions based on what we know. We have also started discussions with a potential partner who would be able to produce higher quality videos. We will let you know about that when it happens.
Today we recorded a conversation responding to three Twitter submitted questions, about the future of our personal media, the future of work, and whether Yogi’s make better futurists. You can listen to the conversation here.
This is how you can participate in WhereIsItGoing (WiiG):
1. Be sure to follow @glenhiemstra and @gleonhard on Twitter.
2. Tweet your future-related questions to us, anytime, and be sure to use the hashtag #wiig (this way we can find your questions via Twitter Search, and you can you also use the hashtag to search for WiiG.
3. If you want your tweets to be included in the live video of the twitter stream (#wiig) please be sure to tweet at 9:00 AM PDT/12 Noon EDT/6PM CET/ 12 midnight Singapore, and follow the live tweets via twitter search; we will publish the finished video on soon afterwards. We will be on the tweet streams for about 20 minutes each time we record. The next date will be 30 June 2009.
Spread the word
[Update: Next WIIG recording session changed to July 2, 9:00 AM PDT/12 Noon EDT/6PM CET/ 12 midnight Singapore. Tweet questions with #wiig now or during the live recording.]