Insights · June 23rd, 2015 Think Tank authors are among the recently named “26 essential science fiction novels to get you ready for the future.” ZDNet curated the list and it includes novels by Brenda Cooper, long time colleague, and Ramez Naam, both Think Tank members. I know most of these authors, and can endorse any of the 26 recommendations. (There should be 27 on the list, as Brenda’s Edge of Dark takes us into the tech vs. humanity world of the possible future.
Here is the list…
Vernor Vinge: True Names | Rainbows End
John Bruner: The Sheep Look Up | The Jagged Orbit | Stand on Zanzibar | The Shockwave Rider
Bruce Sterling: Heavy Weather | Distraction | A Good Old Fashioned Future | Islands in the Net
David Brin: Existence | Earth
Charles Stross: Halting State | Rule 34
Paolo Bacigalupi: Pump 6 | Shipbreaker
Neal Stephenson: Reamde
Ramez Naam: Nexus | Crux
Kim Stanley Robinson: 2312
Laura Mixon: Proxies
MJ Locke: Up Against It
Brenda Cooper: The Diamond Deep
Linda Nagata: The Bohr Maker
Alastair Reynolds: Blue Remembered Earth
Cory Doctorow: Little Brother
It is my experience that reading science fiction is the best way to get your mind into the possible future, and thus to challenge your notions of what is probable, and preferred. I suggest that everyone interested in the future should have a scifi novel on their active reading list.