As a futurist and data analyst Anne uses her background in foresight, data analytics and social science to identify early signals of sometimes transformative change. Her broad knowledge in foresight and generational change has positioned her on the world stage as an international keynote speaker and TED talk contributor. Her research has been covered by news outlets such as BBC Capital, El Pais, Deutsche Welle, and Ad Age.
Born in Oslo, Norway, Anne’s career straddles both continents, and she analyzes change and driving forces from an international perspective. Education in Political Science and Geography (University of Oslo), Strategic Foresight (University of Houston) and Business Analytics (Penn State University) has given her a unique, data driven framework to envision what comes next. She has helped a number of for-profits as well as not-for-profit organizations envision what’s lurking around the corner, providing advice grounded in rigorous research. and conducting large quantitative studies to help connect the dots. Over the years she has developed unique approaches using data mining and machine learning techniques together with strategic foresight to better understand social change, specifically for documenting emerging trends with our younger generations. While predicting the future is not possible, quantifying ways to understand social change can give us an inkling of what‘s ahead. Anne has documented some of these insights for over 10 years with published articles and in hundreds of blog posts on Generation Z.
As a Qualitest engineer, Anne supports Google with her cross-disciplinary skills in data analytics and foresight. Through leadership in a trend analysis team in charge of discovering and analyzing new trends and emerging signals of change, Anne also helps optimize the machine learning algorithms behind the Knowledge Graph.
Her greatest passion is to share new, but often unknown and surprising insights that can help us make better decisions for a more desirable and sustainable future. Common themes for Anne’s speeches revolve around Generational Change and how it relates to changing CX, new trends in Machine Learning/ AI, and the human – machine context: How humans are coevolving with technology.
The mental health crisis is real. But should we really blame social media?
Generation Z brings attitudes and behaviors that are shaping our future. The most worrisome one is possibly their sharp decline in mental health. Digital technology and social media have been pointed out as culprits, but is it really that simple? By thoroughly examining methodology and data, Anne unveils a reality that is in stark contrast to prevailing narratives.
Future in the post-pandemic future. Retooling
Covid 19 is transforming how people interact and hastening digitalization. Which role does a generation of digital natives play here and how are they coping in this new reality? Is life lived through Zoom and TikTok truly as good as the real thing?
TEDxKaunas: What is really causing generation Z into despair?
Anne will share her ideas about our Generation Z people and why should we notice them and give them advice that they would feel involved.