Insights · January 10th, 2023
As a start to the new year, join us for a lecture and discussion on the year ahead in international relations with Bronwen Maddox, director and chief executive of Chatham House. Maddox looks ahead to the challenges of the year and sets out Chatham House’s recommendations for change.
Although Russia’s war on Ukraine rightly dominated headlines in 2022, other challenges also grew, the climate became warmer, US/China competition intensified, deglobalization became a much-analysed theme, and the global economy suffered significant blows. The UK has its third prime minister in less than one year as it grapples with its changing place in the world. And the world is still living in the shadow of COVID-19 what the pandemic revealed about strengths and vulnerabilities, global inequity, and North/South divides.
This event examines how the forces that shaped 2022 may manifest in 2023, and what that means for progress in international relations:
What will progress look like on the climate agenda?
How will the new US Congress reposition America’s role in the world?
What does the North/South divergence on Russia’s war in Ukraine tell us about shared values and prospects for working together?
After a turbulent year, how will the UK recover its standing in Europe and beyond? As space is limited, we will be operating a ballot-operated system for in person registrations.
Nikolas Badminton is the Chief Futurist at He’s a world-renowned futurist speaker, consultant, author, media producer, and executive advisor that has spoken to, and worked with, over 300 of the world’s most impactful organizations and governments. He helps shape the visions that shape impactful organizations, trillion-dollar companies, progressive governments, and 200+ billion dollar investment funds.
You can preorder ‘Facing Our Futures’ at Amazon, Bloomsbury, Barnes and Noble and other fine purveyors of books. We’s also love it if you considered pre-ordering from your local, independent book store as well.Please contact futurist speaker and consultant Nikolas Badminton to discuss your engagement or event.